Selasa, 29 Januari 2013

Soalan si Kacak #1

A guy was wondering:
1. Why do so many girls find it funny to hit guys in the balls?

and expanding on that

2. Are girls aware that the pain travels up into a guys stomach and makes them feel naseous?

3. Does it hurt a girl to be hit in the same area, any more than say being hit in the arm or leg?

4. when you see a guy get hit there, does it make you say to yourself "wow glad im not a guy?" or anything like that?
And so my answers:

1. Melalui pengalaman aku menonton drama-drama fiksyen, perkara yang tercetus di minda aku adalah: sakit, eh? Haha.

2. No, aku langsung not aware yang 'kau orang' boleh rasa nauseous. Fufu. 

3. Sakitlah, ngok!

4. Tak terfikir apa-apa but you deserved it! Kalau orang tu betul-betul 'berhak', lah.

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